Well its been awhile. My baby is 7 months old and crawling for the last 2.5 weeks and is starting to pull herself up in items. I so miss being able to leave my baby in one spot and coming back a second later and she hasn't moved. Those days are gone. I have posted a few christmas pics of the girls. I have been working a ton of over time the last couple weeks and will be continuing with every week into Feb. Starting the 1st week of Jan. I start working 12 days in a row. I have to week the first weekend. Will is going to know what its like to be Mr Mom. We are going to a hotel with Dad's side of the family for Christmas with Lisa and Grant coming home to visit so will take some pics to post. Well am going to go I worked 12 hours today and need to get some work done around the house before I fall into bed.
How to Install a Corkboard Wall
5 years ago
The girls are adorable as ever and getting so big!! I can't believe McKenna is 7 months already!! Don't get too worn out with having to work so much!!
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