Well this could not happen at a worst time. We are all Sick. We all have colds. Will has an interview for a new position today so he is not feelig up to that. We also have Will's Cousin's wedding on Friday. Both Will (as usher) and Cailtyn (as Flowergirl) are in the wedding. Hopefully all of the meds will kick in and everyone will be feeling better. I only have to work 3 days this week. I can't wait. I decided to use the gift certificate that work gave me when I have Mckeena and to go get a french manicure and pedicure and my hair and Caitlyn's hair done for the wedding. I can't wait for the pampering. I am going to Thursday Morning to have my nails done so I can't wait to just sit back and relax. Caitlyn has been practicing walking down the aisle dropping her petals. She is so cute she will first have to go up to the front and say she needs to talk. Then will walk dropping petals and then stop when out of petals and pick them up and start all over again. Can't wait to see how she does with the wedding with call of the people. I will take a ton of pictures and post them after. I also can't wait for Friday night, Mom and Dad are going to pick up the kids around 8pm or 9pm and then we will have the rest of the night to ourselves. We have a hotel room in Depere that will shuttle us from the reception to the hotel. Can't wait to just have a little us time, even if it is only for a few hours. Wish will luck on his Interview. It is doing Mechanical Assembler like he does now but is 3 minutes from home vs the 45 minutes he drives now. It would be nice to hopefully know that he has a stable job the hopefully will not be doing temp. lay off's all the time like his current employer. Will try to post pictures of Caitlyn helping me bake on Saturday. We had a ton of Zuchinni from our garden so we made 10 loaves of Zuchinni bread, Zuchinni bars (take like apple pie YUM) and 2 dozen cookies. She was not much help but she sure had fun and was proud of what she had helped do. I didn't notice until Yesterday but behind her chair there was a ton of cookie batter on the wall. Not sure how that happened. She must have been waving the spoon around to make that much of a mess.
Last night when I came home from plasma I walked into a house that looked like it had a Hurricane go thru. I did Hurricane Caitlyn. Will was not feeling good and was laying down and he said that he was only out of the living room 20 minutes and when he went to check on Caitlyn every toy and book was laying on the floor. We could not even see the Carpet. He told he to start picking up her toys and when she didn't he sent her to her room. Well when I checked her room all of her clothes and Mckenna's clothes and the toys were all over the floor. I got home and lost it. Needless to say Caitlyn's toys are now almost all packed into boxes. I was so made that I just started throwing toys and books in boxes and telling her that they were going to the garbage for garbage day today. She got mad at me and was trying to pull them out and hid them as I was picking them up. Well she went to bed last nigt with out supper and most of her toys already packed away in the basement. I now have decided that we have got to turn our basement into a toy room. At least then what I don't see won't bother me as much until I go down and see it. She also will have to learn to pick up. Hopefully having no toys will make her want to start going potty all the time on the potty chair. With all the rain that we are having she is going to be very bored because I unplugged the TV in the living room last night because she was not listening and also locked up all her movies. She just got a TV from Grandpa Werth but the is going to be going bye bye for a while also. Sounds like dad will have TV to watch in the garage. The JOY of kids. It can only get better right????
Talk to you all later.
How to Install a Corkboard Wall
5 years ago
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