We took Mckenna into the ER last night as she was having problems breathing, had a cough and was conjested. After 4 hours of xrays, lab work, spinal tap and cath being inserted they found out that she has pneumonia. They decided to admit her to Theda Clark Childrens hospital into the peds unit. Since we have been there she is looking at possible 48 hours to 10 days stay. She has to keep her oxygen level up to 100% for a while and has only been able to manage up to 95% with oxygen. They are having to suction her nose and mouth out every couple hours to help with her breathing. She is also on antibotics and we have to wait 48 hours to see what turns up with her lab cultures. She has also been tested for RSV which will hopefully be negative. As of right now she is considered in isolation. I will post pics and keep everyone updated. Right now she has all kinds of monitors on under her blankets and has an IV in her head and oxygen in her nose.
Oh how sad!! She's too little to have all those tubes and stuff!! :( Definitely keep us updated on how she's doing!! *HUGS*
Poor little doodle bug, I sure hope she feels better soon. Give her lots of loving, she's going to need it. Let us know how things go.
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